Hello, everyone!
First and foremost, thank you for everyone who sent us bug reports! We have been working on fixing these bugs and rethinking some elements of the game based on your feedback on the forums. It is time to release a new version of the beta. This version is mainly a bugfix version. There are a few content related updates but our main focus was to make the engine as bug free as possible. In the coming weeks we will fix the remaining few issues and any new bugs that we find. After that we will focus on content. Based on your feedback we know that we have to rethink and redesign pretty much all crafting systems and skills. So the upcoming update for the beta will be a major content update. You can download the updated game form the usual link.
It’s great to see that there are people who are helping others on the forum. Also, there are people who spent a lot of their time helping us in identifying/reproducing bugs. For this we are sincerely grateful.
It is burning hot here in Hungary! We hope that all of you will have a nice and safe summer!
Because of the major fixes previous savegames are not compatible with the latest beta version. The new config.xml is at „files/saves/”. The game version is now „Balrum_v0.0.86_beta_003”.
Old school graphics option:

Old school
Major fixes:
Quest: Osrick’s feed the pigs quest was causing CTD (crash to desktop).
Quest: The player was able to rebuild the burnt down door while standing on the door’s tile.
Quest: The rebuild your home quest is now not completable without repairing your home.
Quest: No more CTD while entering the secret area where Hugo died.
Sometimes the lighting system would skip a frame causing a flicker.
Various tooltip fixes.
Various Quest dialog fixes.
Fixed a bug that may cause CTD when learning a new recipe.
Fixed an error in the positioning of the trade panel.
The watersack is now usable and refillable.
The visibility indicator is now properly displayed.
If wolfs killed some deers the player’s hunting skill might have increased.
Fixed numerous player experience related bugs.
Fixed a bug that prevented the player to level up.
Sometimes the raining sound effects did not start when they should have.
Fixed a rare bug when crafting panels would go haywire.
Attackable objects properly react now.
Prism turrets when pushed away from their original place were not blocking fireball like effects after a game load.
Fixed a bug that was preventing skill stats to reset upon starting a new game.
When spliting up items the spliting up panel sometimes disappeared or showed up wrong.
When luring an enemy far away from it’s home sometimes they were unable to go back after they lost interest in the player.
Reassigned hotkeys now properly show the reassigned keys on the hot bar.
Lockpicking logic adjusted and because of the new crime system it needs to be closed to stop the lockpicking action.
Numerous savegame related bugs fixed.
The player is now not able to go to sleep while in combat.
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