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what are the steps to order Netflix movies delete from mobile after downloading? - Printable Version

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what are the steps to order Netflix movies delete from mobile after downloading? - madelynpowell - 04-03-2019 03:27 PM


Please given the answer for my Question what are the steps to order Netflix movies &tv shows and how delete those from mobile after downloading? I tried to delete after downloading Netflix movies &tv show but I have not success to delete my order in mobile.


If you are facing Netflix movies & &tv shows and How delete those from mobile after downloading problem. you can follow these steps and solve your problem easily.

1) Access Netflix using your login credentials and password. You can click on top right and go to the option menu with your name and select your account.

2) You can drag screen to the end then click the “Help center” option button on the left-hand side of the screen.

3) In the “shortcuts” category you can click “Requests for tv shows or movies”.

4) You will be go movies and series request page. If you are not subscribe then you can directly to the request page.

5) You can login in the site and the service will identify and update the catalog.

6) You can enter suggestion in the blanks and submit “suggestion”.

7) If you would like to suggest more content then click on the suggest more titles option.

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