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Crystal Golems (question) - Printable Version

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Crystal Golems (question) - FaePaun - 03-27-2016 11:59 PM

Is there any other way besides using magic to kill them? I took the Bow/Dagger route and Neither my pet nor I can do damage to them. I can not clear the Crystal Golem Cave in order to get the last rune because of that.

Is there any other way?

RE: Crystal Golems (question) - arigold16 - 03-28-2016 04:56 AM

You will be given a sword that can hurt golems. It's fairly weak though, so magic will be the best bet. I'm pretty far into the game and haven't found any other weapons that seem to work.

RE: Crystal Golems (question) - copycat - 03-28-2016 05:06 AM

u can use firearrows against them. in chapter 2 u can learn to make them, in chapter 1 buy them

RE: Crystal Golems (question) - yariel - 03-28-2016 05:32 AM

also, Fire trap work against them too ...
prepare the trap and lure them at your trap ...
single fire trap can give 300-375 damage ...

if you use Arcane Art type character, it will be easier since they don't have immunity against any element ... tough the hit rate of spell is REALLY CRAPPY if you have high Armor Rate ...

mine goes down to 75% ... *sigh* ...

RE: Crystal Golems (question) - FaePaun - 03-28-2016 06:12 AM

I forgot all about fire arrows and I have a crap ton of traps. I'll have to stock up on arrows to clear the cave then.