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+--- Thread: (/thread-37446.html) - gnfstkom - 11-13-2017 03:28 PM

L., Sarabon, N. & Markovic, G. 2013. Does pre-exercise static stretching inhibit maximal muscular ordinary performance? A meta-analytical take a look at. Scandinavian mag ProShred Elite
of medication & era in sports 23 (2), 131-148. Turki, O., Chaouachi, A., Drinkwater, EJ, Chtara, M., Chamari, okay., Amri, M. and Behm, DG 2011. Ten minutes of dynamic stretching are sufficient to potentiate vertical bounce fashionable performance tendencies. mag of strength and Conditioning research 25, 2453-2463. Wilson, JM, Duncan, NM, Marin, PJ, Brown, LE, Loenneke, JP, Wilson, SM, Jo, E. Lowery, RP & Urginowitsch, C. 2013. Meta-evaluation of postactivation potentiation and strength: hobby, quantity, gender, relaxation periods, and education reputation.